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» Nikos Gouraros

Nikos Gouraros

Nikos Gouraros


Nikos Gouraros is President of the “St Maxim the Greek” Institute for the Research, Preservation and Promotion of Spiritual and Cultural Traditions and Executive Director of the multilingual web magazine PEMPTOUSIA (Quintessence) www.pemptousia.gr.

Nikos completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies and research at the Universities of Plymouth and Southampton in the United Kingdom. He worked for 18 years at the largest media group in Greece (Lambrakis Press SA) holding several managerial positions. For the last 5 years and until May 2014 he has served as the Director of Strategy and Business Development for the Digital Media Business Unit of the Group.

Between 2012-2014 Nikos Gouraros was the formal representative of the largest European media groups holding the position of the “President of the Online Publishers Association of Europe (OPA-Europe)”. He was also the Vice-President of the OPA association for the years 2009-2012.

He is an independent digital media strategy consultant and teaches digital media strategy at the Quality Journalism and New Technolοgies (QJNT) International Master’s Course in cooperation with the National Technical University of Athens, The University of Krems in Austria and Athena Foundation.

He is married to Lena and they have four children.

All sessions

Welcome – Brief instructions concerning the day’s program

May 07, 2015
8:50 - 9:00

Pemptousia: A lifeline on the Internet

May 08, 2015
16:00 - 16:15

Questions-Discussion (B4)

May 08, 2015
16:30 - 16:45

-Welcoming Speeches
-Addresses by Primates of Churches

May 07, 2015
19:00 - 21:00