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» Petr Trenin-Strausov

Petr Trenin-Strausov

Petr Trenin-Strausov


CEO, PREZZTV (user generated video marketplace for media)

Born January 3, 1981, in Potsdam, Germany Specializes in creative solutions in public opinion projects, engagement of social groups in public activity, developing concepts for public events


2014—present. CEO, PREZZTV (user generated video marketplace for media)

2004—present. Director of public projects, Capufacture-Europe, LLC. Developed and implemented projects for Russian federal government clients (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agency for Youth Policy, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Sports, Agency for Cultural Cooperation with Compatriots Abroad et al.), Moscow City Government and other regional governments in Russia. Specialized in public events, including in election periods, innovation and youth-oriented projects, some of them with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation.

2002—2004. Head of press center, Russian State National TV Channel «KULTURA» (“Culture”)

1999—2002. Head of Internet project, Moscow School of Political Studies

1998 — 1999.  Intern, Carnegie Moscow Center

1997 — 1998. Intern, BBC Moscow bureau


  1. Drama course, Higher School of Journalism, National University «Higher School of Economics», Moscow
  2. Screenwriting, SA Cinemotion, Moscow
  3. Alexander Mitta Film School, Moscow

2002—2005. Post graduate studies, St. Petersburg State University, Department of International Affairs

1997—2002. Moscow State Lomonosov University, Department of History

Main publications

  1. History of Russia2012—2024: A Textbook (fiction), long-list of national literary prize DEBUT
  2. Branding of Russian Regions and Federal Projects: Approaches and Solutions. Report at the International Tourism Expo MATIW—2011
  3. Film Story «Yolki» (Chrismas Trees), director Timur Bekmambetov
  4. Petrograd-Leningrad between the World Wars (1918-1940) // Questions of Teaching History of WWII. Saint Petersburg, 2010

  1. Saint Petersburg: Evolution of the City’s Mission // G8 In a Globalizing World: New Approaches In Science and Education. Saint-Petersburg, Russian Geographical Society, 2006
  2. A Diplomatic Strategy for Saint Petersburg. Report at the International Conference “Diplomacy of Cities”, Saint Petersburg
  3. Creative Approaches to Region Branding. Report at the Moscow School of Political Studies Seminar in Nalchik, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria (Northern Caucasus)
  4. Saint Petersburg: A Window to Europe and A Window to Russia // Russia in a Globalized World. Saint Petersburg, 2003
  5. The NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council in 1997-1999: Anatomy of a Failure. BITS Research Note, Berlin 1999


 by the Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Politics of Russian Federation (2010)


 Russian (native), English (fluent), German (can read, translate with a dictionary), Latin (basic)




 Mobile +7 (925) 500-24-76 petr@prezz.tv  prezz.tv / polarquad.ru / arcmineral.ru / capufactura.ru

All sessions

Questions-Discussion (C1)

May 09, 2015
9:45 - 10:00

3 topics for non-church young people: an attempt to grab the attention

May 09, 2015
9:15 - 9:30